Topics Discussed
wood lathe - simon_clark
We can try and rebuild one of the lathes we have, or get a new one. Off the shelf, a Nova 1422 goes for $1600.
santa claus parade - simon_clark
Went really well. Fairyfest Sean one the best float. The Pianos were so badly out of tune, they were unplayable through the cold. So, uh, we won't do that again.
agm - simon_clark
The new board consists of Mark Zander, John Roberts, Eva Bodalyehi, Tony Thompson, James McKeown, Adrian Harding, Brennan McKillop.
resurces needed re Funder Speed Dating/Innovation Guelph tomorrow afternoon - automageektu
Given that we have a tentative mandate to get a big laser cutter, we might as well ask for it.
DIYode By-law change to allow 7 board members. - _zANDER
Motion carries.
metal band saw - Diyode-Quassel
This is coming out of this year's Trillium grant. Brennan has located a nice used model somewhere around West Montrose. Purchasing this saw is approved, subject to an inspection.