Topics Discussed
new welder is here - jroberts
has cables and electrodes, seems to work well.
red lathe - jroberts
Ken is cleaning up. Brennan is taking home tonight.
clean room next steps - jroberts
Ed has done a great job on floor. next steps are baseboards and door and cover for water heater and ramp are four remaining things. tables are up for grabs. need to clean mats. step one is put door on. Ken is thinking of a different door and door closer.
metal bandsaw - jroberts
eva and brennan have it working.
extra rubber flooring, can we dispose of pieces - jroberts
threw out a whole bunch of small scraps.
Meeting Notes
steve built a new radio, and it is running, on top of the tool cabinet.make a list of stuff that should go on a garage sale list.
do another round of orange tape with dates.
vending machine in clean room is leaving us soon.