Topics Discussed

UofG Robotics Team - simon_clark

Andrew and Chris from the UofG robotics team came by. Looking for space to build robots for June 11th. looking for 8 or 10 hours of shop time. We say yes. We will give them 2 memberships through June 11th. Mark will be the point person. Simon will send them the logo.

Wood Planner blades need adjustment \ replacement - Diyode-Quassel

We will go ahead and replace the blades at this point.

new consumables system - simon_clark

New consumables system has price stickers. Put the money in the pop fund for now.

garbage bin - simon_clark

We will set them up for different kinds of garbage. Adrian will look into whether we qualify for city pickup. Work on improving our garbage system.

Laser cutter clean, focus, level - simon_clark

Seth will take a look at cleaning and recalibrating

kit making - simon_clark

This Saturday at 2pm. Kit party.

Holiday gift boxes - simon_clark

Mark and Brennan will work on coordinating

AGM - simon_clark

Jan 13 will be the AGM

Meeting Notes

Christmasy party will be December 27th.

Members Present

Brennan McKillop, Liam Mayes, Simon Clark, Verdi Rodrigues-Diamond