Topics Discussed

Nuit Blanche installation - Diyode-Quassel_

Eva has a lens and wants to build a projection system. It's coming up in September, so we've got some time.

Diyode Member odd job board, referals and such. - simon_clark

Consensus is this is a bad idea.

Ecofair at St. Francis Church (Paisely and Glasgow) on September 29, 2013 - simon_clark

Consensus is this is a good idea. We'll talk about this more in July.

upcoming workshops - simon_clark

We've been getting more requests for soldering and arduino workshops. We need to set a date before the next meeting. Mark wants to run them over the summer. We've got some interest in hosting.

ignite contest prep - simon_clark

We're doing the contest at the ignite conference tomorrow. What we're going to do is a sculpture contest with LED throwies. Winner gets a 90 day membership.

Meeting Notes

Next month has a lot of events; we need to get codeshield kits together, and build the codeshield grande. There will be a codeshield packing party coming up soon.

Richard is the improviser-in-chief at the university and associated with the jazz festival. Steve Mason and Eva have been volunteered as point people to try and break down our brainstorming ideas into something implementable. He likes the theramin ensemble idea. He also likes the idea of getting started on a smaller scale and demoing the same project at the Waterloo Mini-Maker Faire. Matt proposed a singing saw type machine.

Members Present

Verdi Rodrigues-Diamond, Simon Clark, Brennan McKillop