Author: Mark Zander

  • DIY Phone Home

      The workshop now has a Telephone. It has 911 access in case of emergencies. It is kept on top of the filing cabinet in the front room. You may use this phone for incoming and outgoing calls. The number is (226)706-4149. This is the main phone number which we publish. So make a great…

  • Games in the Park – Wooden Block Stacking Game

    As a first in what is hopefully a series of “Giant Board Games to Play in the Park”, here is my take on that well known wooden-block-stacking-game. I got all my inspiration from this Instructables Post. Materials Used : 6 – 8′ x 2″ x 4″ SPF (your standard 2×4) 1 can of MinWax Paste…

  • Impact the World

    We have added a new impact driver to our compliment of hand drills. It’s a DeWalt 18V impact driver and uses the same battery as the DeWalt hand drills we already have. There is a ToolTracker entry for it as well 🙂

  • DIYode saved me $2000. Thanks!

    My wife and I have had an AEG front loading washing machine for about 14 years now. It’s been a great machine. Very energy efficient and very quiet. Not too long ago it started to get noisy. First a low rumble, then louder. I became increasingly loud with each load. Until it was so loud…

  • Have Seat, Will Race!

    I’ve had a life long love of cars and racing them. I’ve often dreamt of owning a nice sports car just to bring to the track on the weekends. I can stop dreaming now. Cause the computer based racing simulators today are just as good of an experience as any sports car I will ever…

  • Mobile Robot Platform

    Who doesn’t like to play around with robots? Make them do cool stuff. So when I saw a six-legged remote control bug (called an N.S.E.C.T) at the thrift store I thought; that would make a cool base for a robot. The NSECT is supposed to be remote control but this one did not come with…

  • Wood Bending with Steam!

    Erin and Andrew needed to build a circular crown for their yurt. So they decided to steam bend it in a wood streamer they put together one day at DIYode. After 3+ hours of steam the wood planks were bent around the form. You need lots of muscle and quite a few clamps! More Steam…

  • DIYode helps with Trees for Tots

    DIYode members were on hand Saturday January 12th to help out with the Trees for Tots Christmas tree pickup in Guelph. We were one of 40 teams tasked with picking up 1500+ trees from across the city. Each team was given a list of pickup addresses and a map. Most teams had a pickup truck…

  • Lantern Making

    I have been going to the Kensington Market Winter Solstice off and on for a very long time. It’s always a fun evening in the dark with hundreds of other people and all those Lanterns! This year we were finally able to make it to the Lantern making workshop. Here is my first attempt. Not…

  • Backup your Mac to remote server

    There are quite a few examples out there in how to use rsync to duplicate how Timemachine does its backups. This is the article which first inspired me. But I still had some problems with it. Firstly you either had to pull the backup from the Mac. My Mac is not on all the…