Archive December, 2012

Elves! Elves! Everywhere!

24 December, 21:17, by EvaB

Working to get the presents done.   Wood chips are flying around the clock!!



Theo Elf checking if it’s roasted enough.



 Simon Elf making sure it’s all covered.



Jolly Shawn Elf  working hard and being his usual cheerful self.


Peter Elf cleaning and buffing so he can paint it before it’s under the tree.


 Mark Elf taking a break while being watched by DIYodasaur.




Jamie Elf making it….






…and checking it…twice!


Ty Elf even has  a uniform on!

Have a Happy Holiday

from all of the Elves at DIYode!!!!

USA building largest prefab-container-house factory in all North America

21 December, 17:26, by Christoph Kesting

Here’s the link:

I’m adding this link to the blog as I’m recently inspired by speaking with Robyn just outside of Orangeville, Ontario.  Prefab housing is an industry on the rise – no doubt there.  As we sat in our respective cars with windows down in her driveway, I passed a booklet which told the story so-far of the container house to her.  We spoke for 15 minutes about young people and the work-related opportunities they have.  In fact, we didn’t really know what to say about the work situation awaiting new graduates.   We did though have a sense that a classically ‘German’ model of apprenticeship in the trades was a blessing.  I told her about the workshops (the boXshops) which we host every 2nd Saturday of the month.  I hope she and her hubby and her children attend the next one.
Why?  Because we want good work for young Guelph graduates.  I’d love to hear that her son had a stellar experience working along side a professional instructor at the next BoxShop. I believe that projects which are infusing community workshops & innovative designs are a significant part of the puzzle in these days of less security & more opportunity.       PS.  We are in need of three things:  1.barnwood,   2.two yards of clay  &  3.a grant-writer willing to be paid retroactively.   If you have any contacts for us, please email   And a mirthful solstice to all!

Here’s a link to TIME magazine’s article on container homes.

21 December, 17:23, by Christoph Kesting

Here’s the link to the article.

Lantern Making

16 December, 18:05, by Mark Zander

I have been going to the Kensington Market Winter Solstice off and on for a very long time. It’s always a fun evening in the dark with hundreds of other people and all those Lanterns!

This year we were finally able to make it to the Lantern making workshop.
Here is my first attempt. Not bad I think.
My first Lantern

I have a Flickr photo set that shows some lantern’s that inspired us, plus some details on the lantern making process.

I have had the plans to do a Winter Solstice lantern festival in Guelph for a few years now.
Now that I now know how to make lanterns I’ll actually get around to organizing one; next year…maybe 🙂

Join us this Saturday, as this workshop will have us cutting the steel & learning to frame windows.

05 December, 16:42, by Christoph Kesting

the boXshops – this saturday’s instructional & constuctional workshop is all about cutting the steel & banging together some frames which will hold the insulation against the outside of the container.  Not only do I need your helping hands to build this, I know there’s a ton of value in learning how use the tools we have in a friendly group setting! 

  • get outdoors & get your weekly hands-on experience in the natural craft of homebuilding
  • receive instruction from a green building instructor, Paul Horrigan.
  • make new friends over a meal provided by Cornerstone Cafe
  • dress warm. work clothes.  $12 donation requested
  • bring a friend & any questions? call CK, (519) 831-1012
  • 11am – 5pm @ diyode, 71 Wydham St South, Unit B
  • shipping container is in rear parking lot