Month: May 2013
Maker Faire Editor’s Choice Award
…goes to DIYode, for their amazing Codeshield Grande!! Way to go Team!!!! Woo Hoo!!
DIYode is Getting Attention
At the Bay Area Maker Faire in California this weekend, our team is working hard on our behalf to promote the Codeshield. There are some interesting developments afoot! Here is our booth featuring the “Codeshield Grande”, the 10X scale version of the Codeshield, the DIYode developed electronics teaching tool : We will let you know…
Go Team Go!
Teaching Intro to Arduino a Better Way Here is the link to the Codeshield page for the Maker Faire Bay Area 2013 this weekend in California: Woot!
Get Ready for the Pitch!
Codeshield marketing at a large busy event like the Bay Area Maker Faire involves being seen so you can be heard. One strategy we thought of that is visually engaging, as well as interactive, is a 10 times sized working model of the Codeshield. It can be walked around so that random bypassers can see…
DIYode is in California!
DIYode wishes to thank our president for promoting our makerspace and the Codeshield at the Hardware Innovation Workshop and the Bay Area Maker Faire this week. We hope you have lots of fun!